Dèyè mòn, gen mòn – Behind mountains, there are mountains – Haitian proverb
About Mads Monsen
The learning journey. Staying curious in life and experiment. Throughout my career, I have always mixed old and new technology. It is of importance to know the history and evolution of the tools.
When studying photography, I learned the trade in the darkroom, mixing chemistry baths, experimenting with developers and techniques. Man Ray and solarisation comes to mind. Starting with 35mm, going medium format and then large format before going digital.
The same with graphic design. Got my hands dirty when I was typesetting in the basement on Southhampton Row and getting a much better typography understanding of how to use Quark Express. (Currently on InDesign).
Testing new software, workflows, techniques and changing software they are all part of the learning experience.
Lately, coding, optimisation and script development for Photoshop are the next areas of interest.
Lastly, but not least, having time for personal projects.
Check out my LinkedIn profile for my career path.
A vital part of the learning process is reading. Thanks to my loving family for getting me a Kindle. No more forgetting paperbacks.
January 2013, I decided to create a new habit. To take out a Kiva loan every month. Compound interest makes a real difference and small habits over time generate results.